La Gringa

Bienvenidos a mi blog!

First, a shout out to mi amiga, Ellie, who started this blog for me back in April. Missin’ you girl! As of 23 July, 2012, I’ve been living in the lovely neighborhood of Palermo Alto in C.A.B.A (Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires), Argentina. I plan to use this website as a vehicle to share my experiences with friends and family so that I don’t have to spend obscene amounts of money on phone calls nor spend obscene amounts of time repeating myself. Comprendes?

This lovechild of a blog is still in it’s developmental stage of life, so your patience is much appreciated. As you may very well know, babies in this stage of life are subject to significant changes in a short amount of time. Plan to expect regular updates and look forward to new pages popping up here and there relating to places to go, eat, see, avoid.. basically everything you need to know as a clueless gringa. ‘Tis a work in progress, but nonetheless exciting! I hope this meets my goals and yours as well. If you have a question or would like me to post something in particular, just shoot me an email!

All my love xx

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